Unable to control inventory tracking using productSet mutation

using an inventory mutation won’t be ideal here because that only supports a single update. We will have to use ProductVariantsBulkUpdate just to update a single boolean field for all variants. Not sure, how the support for 2000 variants would work here since the productSet API supports async flag while ProductVariantsBulkUpdate doesn’t.

100% agree, our Inventory team is aware of this and I will share this feedback as well.
FWIW similar to productSet, do not think ProductVariantsBulkUpdate should be the long term option either for managing inventory. But I understand how it is available, and the most convenient to use ATM

But looking at the message, I think it’s safe to assume that it’s not in the roadmap for future. Is that correct?

I mean, never say never, but yes, ATM we are focusing on getting the current input to perform well with 2K variants.
On that note, for large/complex inputs we recommend implementing with the async option on to avoid time outs

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