Date: Thursday, October 24, 2024 Time: UTC 14:39:49
Hello Shopify Team,
I am trying to generate a stagedUploadUrl to use with the bulkOperationRunMutation for bulk updating products. However, when trying to create the staged upload URL, I encountered the following error. The error message doesn’t provide clear information about the cause.
Error Message:
Internal error: It seems something went wrong on Shopify’s end. Request ID: a531de56-a3bf-40a6-be85-a813a0dc93b8-1729780690
(Please include this request ID in support inquiries.)
Mutation Query:
mutation stagedUploadsCreate($input: [StagedUploadInput!]!) {
stagedUploadsCreate(input: $input) {
stagedTargets {
parameters {
When I try to do things and receive errors in the Shopify admin back-end I typically pull up DevTools and check for more information from the network requests which typically does provide some actionable information.
I am curious if you are able to gather anything like that with your testing here. If so it might at least help explain what’s wrong.
If nothing else, it could be tied to the current outages…
There is no detailed log from the network request, only the message: ‘Internal error. It seems something went wrong on our end…’ Let me retry once the incident is resolved.
Sample curl
curl -X POST \
https://{shopId} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-Shopify-Access-Token: shpua_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' \
-d '{
"query": "mutation stagedUploadsCreate($input: [StagedUploadInput!]!) { stagedUploadsCreate(input: $input) { stagedTargets { url resourceUrl parameters { name value } } } }",
"variables": {
"input": [
"filename": "mutations.jsonl",
"mimeType": "text/jsonl",
{"errors":[{"message":"Internal error. Looks like something went wrong on our end.\nRequest ID: 52acc9b2-62c9-4f5e-9987-cd51774adb25-1729783062 (include this in support requests).","extensions":{"code":"INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR","requestId":"52acc9b2-62c9-4f5e-9987-cd51774adb25-1729783062"}}]}
The issue was with the default PUT HTTP method used by the stagedUploadsCreate mutation. Adding httpMethod: 'POST' to the input variables resolved the issue.
httpMethodenum The HTTP method to be used by the staged upload. To use bulkOperationRunMutation, the httpMethod must be POST.