Adding a return shipping fee to an existing return

Is there a GraphQL mutation to update an existing return that a customer has initiated to add a return shipping fee?

I’ve only been able to send a ReturnDeclineRequest and then do a returnCreate with the return shipping fee added, but would like to avoid this extra step. I’m not seeing any type of update or edit mutation that allows for this on Returns. Am I missing something?


From checking the docs and asking the .dev assistant it does look like there’s currently no direct GraphQL mutation available in the Admin API to add a return shipping fee when updating an existing return. The typical approach involves creating a new return with the desired shipping fee using the returnCreate mutation.

If you want to avoid creating a new return, you might need to handle this logic in your application by managing the return process and fees externally, then reflecting the final state in Shopify using the available mutations.

For now, the process you described—declining the initial return and creating a new one with the shipping fee—remains the necessary workaround.