Alternative way to fetch cart_token as the graphql API for Orders doesnt have this field

I am currently using the Orders REST Admin API, and with its deprecation, I have a question:

  1. Fields like cart_token are being deprecated, and as I rely on them extensively in our app, I would like to know if there are alternative ways to access the data provided by these fields.

  2. If I continue using the REST API with the current version that still supports these fields, will this version eventually be retired? If so, could you provide a timeline for when this API version and the associated fields will no longer be accessible?

Hi Harshvardhan,

Is this for a public or custom app?

Its for a public app.

I’ve just connected with our internal team regarding the recommendation for cart_tokens but for the second question - there’s no published deadline for when the REST API will be 100% deprecated, but we’ll ensure that devs have enough time to migrate and that required functionality will be available in GraphQL.