App version not showing scopes after "app deploy"

I’m very confused. My app config toml file has “scopes” defined in it.

scopes = “read_product_listings,write_content,write_products,write_themes”

When I run “shopify app deploy”, everything looks good and a new version is created. In the partner dashboard, when I look at the version configuration, the scopes section is not shown.

I only have this issue on my published app. My dev version has no issues.

I’ve had the same issue on my end - usually works after 2-3 forced shopify app deploys, especially when adding new webhooks^

Hi! Have you checked if you have include_config_on_deploy = true in your app TOML? If it’s missing or false, then the configuration (like the scopes) is not included as part of the deploy.

More info: App configuration

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