Best practice to pass Global Settings data to Theme App Extension


I’m developing a Custom App on Remix.
What’s the best practice for accessing Global App Settings on the Liquid Template of the Theme app Extension (App Embed Block)?

I’ve been using app Metafields so far.
While storing the settings to my DB, I’m sending them to metafields as well.

Please advice.

Thank You

Hi @mmaumio, using metafields is indeed the most straightforward and reliable approach. In general, you have two main options:

  1. Use the extension’s own configuration (schema-based settings).

  2. Use store-level metafields.

In many Shopify apps, both approaches are used:

  • Simple or design-related settings go in the theme extension schema (so they can be edited via the Theme Editor).

  • Global configuration that different parts of your app need (and which might be large or frequently updated) is stored in metafields.

Thank You so much @daniel
It gives me some inner peace realizing that my hours of learning GraphQL admin and Metafields didn’t get wasted :slight_smile:

Take Care

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@mmaumio hi , what should we do if the size of a metafield exceeds 2MB? We need to save very large customization information for a product. Have you ever encountered this problem?


Well, I’m actually quite new to Shopify.
So, I think it won’t be wise for me to answer them. :slight_smile:

I’m looking forward to the answer as well.
How’s App Proxy in that case?

Maybe @daniel might shed some light on this?

Hi @WhyShop I suggest you first post your question as a new topic to keep things organized.