Bug: filter for fields in Flow

Hi there,

Seems like there is a bug with the filter in Flow. Title is definitely on the Product Object.

I haven’t seen that before, but it looks like a network or system issue and not a “not found” issue. Is the searching working for you now?


Still not working. But I think I know why. I deleted one of the product metafields. Then the search is not working.


  "operationName": "getSearchStepEnvironment",
    "workflowId": "0191a98f-84fa-7d1f-abb8-0da393fb9235",
    "workflowVersion": "0191a98f-84fa-7c60-bc27-9ef057ab4fad",
    "stepId": "c4e1ed80-ab0d-11ef-9e25-53172a17a54c",
    "searchTerm": "title",
    "pathPrefix": "product",
      "filterType": "ALL",
    "pathDeprecationFilter": "NON_DEPRECATED"
  "query": "query getSearchStepEnvironment($workflowId: ID!, $workflowVersion: String, $stepId: String!, $searchTerm: String!, $pathPrefix: String, $dataTypeFilter: DataTypeFilter!, $rootNameFilter: [String!], $extraSearchRoots: [ExtraSearchRoot!], $pathDeprecationFilter: PathDeprecationFilter) {\n  searchStepEnvironment(\n    workflowId: $workflowId\n    workflowVersion: $workflowVersion\n    stepId: $stepId\n    pathPrefix: $pathPrefix\n    searchTerm: $searchTerm\n    dataTypeFilter: $dataTypeFilter\n    rootNameFilter: $rootNameFilter\n    extraSearchRoots: $extraSearchRoots\n    pathDeprecationFilter: $pathDeprecationFilter\n  ) {\n    paths {\n      typename\n      description\n      path\n      isDeprecated\n      deprecationReason\n      isProtected\n      isPathFragment\n      __typename\n    }\n    version\n    __typename\n  }\n}"


    "errors": [
            "message": "Metafield type not found: metaobject_reference",
            "locations": [
                    "line": 2,
                    "column": 3
            "path": [
    "data": null

Thanks, we think we found the problem related to metafields as you suggested. We are in a code freeze until after BFCM…can you wait until next week?

If necessary we can turn off the flag for you shop and revert you back to the old search experience. But we would need your shop id / slug

I think this is fixed now, if you were still having the issue