[BUG] REST API Product Images endpoint produces NULL for 'position' attribute

Currently there appears to be a bug in the REST API where using the Product Images endpoint produces NULL for all of the image object’s position attributes.

If you use just the Product endpoint and access the images through the product’s images' attribute, then the position` is correctly set.

Try using the GraphQL API and see if that helps in your case. The REST api is deprecated.

The REST Admin API is a legacy API as of October 1, 2024. All apps and integrations should be built with the GraphQL Admin API. For details and migration steps, visit our migration guide.

Hi Curzey, thanks for your reply.

I am working towards migrating projects to the GraphQL API, yes. However for projects that are still running using the REST API until that migration happens, this is a breaking bug that affected some of my project’s functionalities.

Thankfully the fix is just to use the Products API endpoint.

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Yeah as mentioned, REST is now deprecated so no bugs/support will be fixed/provided for it.

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