BxGy with all products

I want to create an automatic discount where a customer gets a free product on a purchase of $100 or more. I am using the discountAutomaticBxgyCreate mutation. Here’s an example:

mutation CreateBxgyDiscount($automaticBxgyDiscount: DiscountAutomaticBxgyInput!) {
  discountAutomaticBxgyCreate(automaticBxgyDiscount: $automaticBxgyDiscount) {
    automaticDiscountNode {
      automaticDiscount {
        ... on DiscountAutomaticBxgy {
    userErrors {

Input variables:

  "automaticBxgyDiscount": {
    "title": "Free Product on $100 Purchase",
    "startsAt": "2025-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "customerBuys": {
      "items": {
        "all": true
      "value": {
        "amount": "100"
    "customerGets": {
      "items": {
        "products": {
          "productVariantsToAdd": [
      "value": {
        "discountOnQuantity": {
          "quantity": "1",
          "effect": {
            "percentage": 1
    "usesPerOrderLimit": "1"

I receive the below error:

    "data": {
        "discountAutomaticBxgyCreate": {
            "automaticDiscountNode": null,
            "userErrors": [
                    "field": [
                    "message": "Items in 'customer buys' must be defined"
    "extensions": {
        "cost": {
            "requestedQueryCost": 11,
            "actualQueryCost": 10,
            "throttleStatus": {
                "maximumAvailable": 2000.0,
                "currentlyAvailable": 1990,
                "restoreRate": 100.0

Does {all: true} not work? Is there an alternate way of doing this?

Same question here as well.

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Hi Abhishek,

It sounds like you need to explicitly specify the products, collections, or product variants that qualify under customerBuys.items . Could you retry the mutation but include specific items for “customerBuys”?

Hi @Liam-Shopify,
Thank you for the reply.

Adding specific items in customerBuys would work, but then the API suggest using {all: true} if I want the discount to be applied to all products. That doesn’t work then right?

Can I also extend my understanding that Shopify doesn’t allow Free Product discounts only on cart amount? I have also tried from the store’s admin discount, it doesn’t have this functionality.
