Can you do two full page extensions in app?
Hello, @Tom_Hooker Could you provide more details in your question so we can better assist you with a solution?
What are the extensions intended for new product pages or customer feedback are there any special requirements?
Hey @Tom_Hooker.
If you are talking about Customer Account full page extensions then yes, your app can have multiple extensions.
You can also make use of collections to group together extensions that are related to each other.
I hope that was helpful.
Hi yeah we’ve tested we can do this now but now we’re facing the issue we can’t use Shopify Billing to hide an extension on Customer Account full page or just any extension for that matter.
Hey Tom, I’m not sure I understand what you’re trying to do exactly with Shopify Billing. Can you elaborate?
Yeah sure. So if I create two full page extensions, for example, I would only want both available if you choose the higher billing plan.
Hope that makes sense
Have you considered checking for the billing plan inside the extension and rendering a different content whenever the billing plan does not fit your requirements?
It could render a CTA promoting a change of plans for example.
function MyExtension() {
const billingPlan = getBillingPlan();
if (billingPlan === 'premium') {
return <PremiumVersion />
return (
<Button>Click here and upgrade to premium to have access to the premium version</Button>
Sorry didn’t see this solution, this might work. I’ll try implement something like this tomorrow. Thank you.