I am adding metafields to the store using the MetafieldsSet graphql mutation. I set OwnerId as the store id. I successfully created the metafield. I verified that the metafield was created by testing with the following query.
query getShopMetafields{
shop {
metafields(first: 30) {
nodes {
"data": {
"shop": {
"id": "gid://shopify/Shop/88556339494",
"metafields": {
"nodes": [
"namespace": "my_app",
"id": "gid://shopify/Metafield/43504335552806",
"key": "fields",
"value": "example_values",
"type": "json"
I pull this store metafield data from cart transform plugin as below:
query Input {
cart {
shop {
fields: metafield(namespace: "my_app", key: "fields") {
Until this time, our application was successfully pulling this data into the cart transform plugin, but today we found that this data was null in a store using our application.
We checked the store metafields that use our app where this happened and we are sure that the metafield already exists and the namespace and key are correct.
This has happened and continues to happen in only one store that uses our app. Each function request returns metafield null. The other stores that use our app do not have any issues.
We tried uninstalling our app from the store and reinstalling it, same thing.
Cart transform extension cargo.toml:
name = "my-app-cart-transform"
version = "1.0.0"
edition = "2021"
rust-version = "1.62"
rust_decimal = "1.27.0"
serde = { version = "1.0.13", features = ["derive"] }
serde_with = "1.13.0"
serde_json = "1.0"
shopify_function = "0.8.0"
graphql_client = "0.14.0"
lto = true
opt-level = 's'
strip = true
Cart transform extension shopify.extension.toml:
api_version = "2024-07"
name = "t:name"
handle = "my-app-cart-transform"
type = "function"
description = "t:description"
target = "purchase.cart-transform.run"
input_query = "src/run.graphql"
export = "run"
command = "cargo wasi build --release"
path = "target/wasm32-wasi/release/my-app-cart-transform.wasm"
watch = [ "src/**/*.rs" ]
create = "/"
details = "/"