Date Picker Input Not Transferring to Cart Line Items

Hi guys I need to figure out why my date picker calendar renders, but the input does not transfer to the line item properties.

The website uses the Expression version 8.2.3 theme.
I used this link to add the customization:

I added the jquery file to theme.liquid

Then created the snippet for the date picker calendar:

Then added the code to render the calendar in the main-product.liquid:

The issue is that the calendar renders but does not transfer to the cart page line item properties.

The delivery date input should show up where the name, price, etc is listed for each product but the input does not transfer when the add to cart button is pressed.

I edited the original shopify code that was provided to customize the date picker, but it shouldnt have made too much of a change.

I think something might be wrong with how the product is being added to cart? I’m not sure what to do. Any input helps.


Add your product with line attributes and check the cart json , if you found the line item attributes in cart json but not rendering on cart page then you need to loop the attributes and show them.

Hi Ninfa,

This could be an outdated doc on the merchant help centre - will connect with the merchant documentation team on this.