Hi there,
When I try to create a metafield definition with the type set to “money,” it always reports that the key already exists. I’ve checked the list of metafield definitions within that namespace ($app:namespace), but the key I want to create doesn’t actually exist, and our namespace format is $app:namespace
Thanks in advance! this is preventing some of our merchants from performing standard customer support
"query": "mutation CreateMetafieldDefinition($definition: MetafieldDefinitionInput!) { metafieldDefinitionCreate(definition: $definition) { createdDefinition { id name } userErrors { field message code } } }",
"variables": {
"definition": {
"name": "Money Format",
"namespace": "$app:namespace",
"key": "shop_currency",
"access": {
"admin": "PUBLIC_READ",
"storefront": "PUBLIC_READ"
"type": "money",
"ownerType": "SHOP"