Assume that I have an order, that contains a metafield, which is metafield definition gid://shopify/MetafieldDefinition/40762245292
. The “Order metafield definitions” page shows the metafiel definition has “1” used in.
And I archive the order and delete it. The “Order metafield definitions” page still shows the metafiel definition has “1” used in.
I make an graphql request:
metafieldDefinition(id: "gid://shopify/MetafieldDefinition/40762245292") {
metafields(first: 10) {
nodes {
owner {
... on Order {
It shows error to me. It seems like that the metafield didn’t deleted after delete the order, and cannot find the ordrer owner.
"errors": [
"message": "Internal error. Looks like something went wrong on our end.\nRequest ID: 617bd90d-eca0-42af-8cce-7ee4f9a67a1a-1732873003 (include this in support requests).",
"extensions": {
"requestId": "617bd90d-eca0-42af-8cce-7ee4f9a67a1a-1732873003"
"data": null
Although the metafield can delete by metafieldDelete
if I can remember the metafield id.