{"errors": "[API] Invalid API key or access token (unrecognized login or wrong password)"}

I am facing the issue of {“errors”: “[API] Invalid API key or access token (unrecognized login or wrong password)”}

endpoint: https://{store}.myshopify.com/admin/api/2024-10/script_tags.json
headers: “X-Shopify-Access-Token”: ‘xxx’

Earlier it was working fine but somehow it is not working now. Tried different solution but it did not help.

I have verified access token from the session, moreover it is an offline token which does not expires. I have tried regenerating the keys as well.

Any support would be greatly appreciated.

Do you get the same error if you test the endpoint using something like Postman with that access token?

Can you share the query/ mutation Ofer?

Yes, I have tried with postman but receiving the same error from there as well.

any help is greatly appreciated.

If you make this mutation with the Shopify GraphiQL app, do you see the same error?

I think it will work using the Shopify GraphiQL app since it doesn’t require an access token. However, I want to know how to make the request from my custom app (plugin) that does require the access token. How can I achieve this?

Can you try creating a new token?

I’ve regenerated the keys and token, and I’ve tested the custom Shopify Remix app using that token. I also tried testing with Postman, but I’m still encountering the same error.

Hi @Liam-Shopify @lukeclifton, hope you guys are doing well, haven’t heard anything back from you. Can you please respond, thanks!

The access token used in the screenshot was deleted October 11 2024, and as such is not valid. Looks like your app test-plugin was uninstalled and reinstalled several times. I’m not seeing any access tokens for the latest installation.

I was testing by installing and uninstalling the app and regenerating the access token to resolve the authorization issue. I made sure to test with the latest generated access token, but unfortunately, I had no luck in resolving the issue.

HI, there
I noticed from your screenshot that you are using the checkoutCreate mutation, which belongs to the Storefront API, while the URL provided appears to be an Admin API endpoint. This mismatch in APIs could potentially lead to errors. Are you encountering similar issues with other mutations as well?

Hey, I am using the Admin API and have created a token for a custom app using the default Shopify methods, utilizing both the private and public keys.

Mutation used was for testing purpose.

Both shpua_ access tokens that you have shared ending in 5504 and 41b5 have been deleted for over a month now. Offline tokens can still be invalidated, such as when an app in uninstalled.

Can you reach out to Partner Support at https://help.shopify.com/questions/partners. Log In > Select API Support > Email us

In that email, if you could recap the mechanism of which you are using to get a token (screenshot and/docs you are following). An example request you are making that is failing (URL, token, body, response). Having the actual text content would be ideal.

Sorry again to hear that you have been experiencing this issue for so long.