[Feature request] Better changelog and/or fixed documentation link for ui-extensions-react package

As requested in [IMPORTANT] Stop creating issues here, use the Shopify Community forum instead · Issue #2521 · Shopify/ui-extensions · GitHub, I am re-raising this issue.

Please find below the details of Changelog and/or fixed documentation link for ui-extensions-react package. · Issue #2424 · Shopify/ui-extensions · GitHub

Please list the package(s) involved in the issue, and include the version you are using

    "@shopify/ui-extensions-react": "^2024.7"

Describe the bug

Dependabot has opened this PR: Bump @shopify/ui-extensions-react from 2024.7.0 to 2024.10.0 by dependabot[bot] · Pull Request #72 · mention-me/ShopifyAppV2 · GitHub

This is trying to upgrade the ui-extensions-react package.

Unfortunately, no changelog is provided. It’s difficult to confirm exactly what has changed and why I should (or shouldn’t!) upgrade.

On searching, I found this page: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@shopify/ui-extensions-react, which provides a readme from I assume this page: ui-extensions/packages/ui-extensions-react at unstable · Shopify/ui-extensions · GitHub

On that page is a comment:

Is your extension currently using @shopify/checkout-ui-extensions-react? You can learn what you need to do to upgrade to this API versioned package in the migration guide.

The link referenced (https://github.com/Shopify/ui-extensions/blob/unstable/documentation/upgrade/checkout-ui-extension-api-versioning.md) does not exist.

I’m unsure if I’m supposed to be using this package or not - or whether there’s a different version I’m supposed to be using. I’m assuming I’m meant to be using it.

I would like for either:

  1. The link to be fixed so I know how to remove / replace / update this package if I’m meant to replace it.
  2. A changelog to be published alongside dependabot (or renovate) if I’m supposed to keep it.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. View a PR opened by Dependabot, like Bump @shopify/ui-extensions-react from 2024.7.0 to 2024.10.0 by dependabot[bot] · Pull Request #72 · mention-me/ShopifyAppV2 · GitHub
  2. Confirm there’s no changelog or any details
  3. Search for the package on Google. Observe one of the results is https://www.npmjs.com/package/@shopify/ui-extensions-react, which has a README with a broken URL.
  4. Confirm the original file (ui-extensions/packages/ui-extensions-react at unstable · Shopify/ui-extensions · GitHub) also has the broken link.

Expected behavior

  1. A changelog would be published alongside Dependabot
  2. The link referenced would work.