Fetch Search & Discovery filter groups via API

Hello, Is there a way to fetch filter groups created on Search & Discovery via APIs?
Either GraphQL or Rest, I can’t find any information on that.

link → {your_store}/apps/search-and-discovery/filters

Hi Gustavorino,

These are currently not exposed in the Admin API - however I’ll log this feedback for the team.

Thanks @Liam-Shopify , for the record, the reason why I want to get the groups is because I am having issues on a collection page filter…

When I filter by a grouped color ( let’s say “Red” ) I want the products to show the Red variant, and I simply can’t find a way to do that because the GraphQL resolver for

product { variantBySelectedOptions }, apparently doesn’t work with filter groups and also won’t accept a partial option ( let’s say I just selected the color, but I don’t have the size selected )

If I had the data of the filter groups on my backend I could sort it out doing the comparison by code.

For now I am doing a fuzzy search to sort variants by “word proximity” but that really doesn’t work for cases where the group name is very different, ex: “Beige” → “Sand”