Fulfillment Services - Can I use a existing location


We are migrating all our REST API connections to GraphQL and I would like to use the Fulfillment Services. Based on everything I read, it looks like the location is automatically created when you create the fulfillment service

We already multiple customers live that have existing locations for our warehouse. Is there anyway to create a Fulfillment Service using an existing Location?

Hi Monica,

It does look like the GraphQL Admin API won’t allow you to directly create a fulfillment service using an existing location. When you create a fulfillment service using the fulfillmentServiceCreate mutation, a new location is automatically created and associated with the fulfillment service.

What you could do is after you’ve created the fulfillment service, you can use the locationEdit mutation to modify the details of the automatically created location to match your existing location’s attributes (e.g., name, address, etc.).

Would this work?

Yes, I could update the location to match the Locations we are currently using for our connection. But then I’m going to have to have a cutover plan where I remove all the inventory from the current location and process all the orders, then I can update the new fulfillment Location with inventory and start processing orders using new process.

I really wanted to test this with production data while still processing orders using our current code (rest API)