I want to get merchant themes, and I’m having an issue trying to get a themes list, and message that I got is
Field ‘themes’ doesn’t exist on type ‘QueryRoot’
I double check and I have in my scopes defined ‘read_themes’, also I checked my API version and it is 2024-10, and this is my query for getting the
themes(first: 10) {
nodes {
I tried the same query in my Shopify GraphQl API and it works. Also I put the different query here just to check if everything is ok with my code, and this query pass, so I’m also sure that everything is ok with my code. Can someone give me help, about how to get a merchant themes with GraphQl.
I am seeing same results as Denis. My query looks the exact same
query GetThemeList{
themes(first: 10) {
edges {
node {
And I’m getting the exact same error message: “Field ‘themes’ doesn’t exist on type ‘QueryRoot’”
I tried this on API version 2024-10 and 2025-01 with the same results.
Additionally, my app has been approved for the read_themes access scope.
To help debug on the Shopify end, here is some request information:
x-request-id: 459371d5-9890-4811-af6b-4a3fb93c29d4-1732309485
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2024 21:04:45 GMT
If I can provide anything to help with this please let me know
@Spoke-Dan Looked up the request and we’re seeing that you’re hitting 2024-07 on our end. The error message makes sense since we didn’t have Themes in that version.
Can you check where you’re configuring the API version in your code?