GraphQL app subscription migration

Hi there,

we are definitely migrating from REST API to GraphQL API, as recommended by Shopify. However, we found a lack of important information in the GraphQL app subscription object. In this object, we miss the fields “activated_on” and “cancelled_on” that are provided by the REST API.

According to the Shopify docs, the continuity of these fields is:

  • activated_on (REST) → createdAt (GraphQL)
  • cancelled_on (REST) → currentPeriodEnd (GraphQL)

But this continuity is completely nonsense, as creation and activation dates can be completely different, and cancellation time has nothing to do with the current period end date.

Please could you consider to add these activation and cancellation dates to GraphQL?

Thanks and kind regards.

Hi Fran,

Thanks for flagging this - will connect with the relevant product team to determine the best strategy to help you migrate to GraphQL. One point on the cancelled_on property however - it looks like this is deprecated so it’s possible we may not support this on the GraphQL API.

Will update here when I learn more.