GraphQL Codegen + Customer Account API


I can use GraphQL Codegen to generate the types I need to interface with the Storefront API.

For example here’s a snippet of my config:

 "./src/shopify/lib/storefront/": {
      documents: [
      schema: [STOREFRONT_SCHEMA],
      preset: "client",
      presetConfig: {
        fragmentMasking: false,
      config: {
        documentMode: "string",

How do I do the same with the Customer Account API? It seems to me, due to the authentication method being a barrier to even querying the API, we won’t be able to generate types.

Has anyone found a way to integrate their types with Customer Account API? I’m currently hard coding everything…

P.S I am absolutely not interested in using any of the JS libraries Shopify has provided, it’s faster and easier for me to build my clients myself and less headaches - Whoever is writing these libs have no idea what they’re doing and is misleading developers down a rabbit hole of bad code.