Hidden input settings in theme editor for Sections and Blocks

Hey everyone,

I’m trying to pass settings down to blocks without showing them in the theme editor. This would help keep things clean for merchants while allowing us to pass data like classes, style values, or even objects?

To hide some of these kind of settings for the merchant:

Possible Solution: Maybe an attribute like hide for existing settings? Or a new hidden setting type that accepts a string to handle common cases.

Question: Is there already a way to do this, but way better? If not, would this be a useful feature?

Also, are there any open tickets on this? If not, where could I submit a request?

Would love to hear your thoughts!

I have seen requests like this previously, ie: “developer-only” settings that would be hidden from regular staff. I don’t believe this is currently possible though.

Yes, exactly!
Is there an official place where we can request features like this? I haven’t been able to find one. It would be great to at least get it on the roadmap or backlogged!

I came across this commit in the theme liquid docs which introduces a “visible_if” attribute. It looks like this might let you simply hide elements by setting it to false, potentially solving the issue I’ve been experiencing. Does anyone know when this feature will be officially launched, or have any further insights on its implementation?