A user wants to change the output discount message like “Bundle discount - $20 off”. The user wants to change the text to other languages and the “$” to euro.
From providing translated content, I know I can use the localization object in the input.graphql and get the locale. I can offer a standard translation for all users. However, how can I make user-editable text?
The only option I can think of is to use a json metafield to pass all texts inside. Add a user interface in my app to change the text. But this metafield may bump up the input size again?
Is there any other way like using the language editor?
Hi Benny,
It doesn’t look like the language editor will have access to text/locales on a Shopify Function. Is this for a custom app or app store app?
My app is public on the appstore. What’s the recommended approach?
I was thinking if it was a custom app, you could just change it to whatever they would prefer in the code, but since it’s a public app you likely want to provide an option for merchants to choose the text themselves.
So I can only use metafield to input the text from users? Will this approach bump up the input size a lot? Currently, I only has a few lines to change. When there are many languages, the translation texts will be large