How to create bundles in Shopify Bundles programmatically?

in my shop, I have installed the default Shopify Bundles app. It works fine for creating bundles manually.

Unfortunately, when I use the productBundleCreate GraphQL mutation (via my own app), the bundle instance I create is not editable via Shopify Bundles. Instead, there is an edit link that points to my own application (the one that actually runs the mutation).

I don’t want to re-invent the wheel and build an interface to manage bundles in my app; I just wanted to create the bundles in bulk, and edit them in Shopify Bundles if needed.

Is there a way to achieve this?


Hi Marco,

I don’t believe you can extend the existing Shopify Bundles app in the way you’re hoping to, by using the API to generate bundles that are associated with the Shopify app. But I’ll connect with the Bundles team to see if this is possible. If not, you may need to explore creating a simple UI on top of your custom app.

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