How to export shop product data to my app


We’re building an app platform that works with Shopify stores. Our platform requires the merchant’s product data to be exported to our database and every time a sale is made through our app, it will update the merchant’s stocks on their Shopify account.

Any suggestions on how we can achieve this?

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Hey Duna,

This all sounds feasible for use with Shopify’s APIs, eg:

  • You can use the products query to retrieve product data. For a complete export, you might want to use bulk operations for efficiency.
  • You can subscribe to relevant webhooks such as orders/create or inventory_levels/update to get notified when a sale is made, and get info on that sale.
  • To update inventory levels, you can use the inventoryAdjustQuantity mutation.

Hi @Liam-Shopify thanks for your response!

Would it be feasible for (public) merchants to input their Shopify URL during onboarding, allowing us to retrieve their products directly from their site?

Hi Duna,

Your app should be able to query the store url via the API during / after install, so merchants shouldn’t need to manually enter their URL once the app is installed.

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