Hwo to adjust inventory levels for thousands of skus?

As inventoryBulkAdjustQuantityAtLocation is deprecated and stated not to be supported) for a longer time (but still working) is there any other way to adjust a bunch of skus and their inventory levels with only one request?

Hey @Jan_Kunzmann ,

Have you seen inventoryAdjustQuantities - GraphQL Admin ?

Yes. Sure. My issue is a BULK update of several SKUs/Locations with quantities with only one request. not only ONE sku/location at a single request.

It takes a “changes” array inside input where you can put multiple inventory_item_id & location pairs along with delta.

Sounds great. I missed that. That is what i need. Thank you!

Just a note you can only do something like 200 - 250 changes at a time.
But you can just break the thousands of updates into chunks :blush: