Hi! I’d like to ask a question. Using AppSubscription - GraphQL Admin active subscriptions i am getting the information about when user will loose his access to application.
With newly created subscription for 30 days i have my currentPeriodEnd in +30 days. And it is cool. But when time passes and 30 days passed, i still have the same active subscription that has status active and currentPerioEnd in the past. Is it ok ? I am using testing env. So my question is :
- at the end of billing cycle will my app get SUBSCRIPTION_UPDATE message via webhooks ?
- will currentActiveSubscription be updated at the end of billing cycle after i recieve subs_update wh message ?
This is what active sub endpoint returned at for Jan 30 2025 for my testing app :
“activeSubscription”: {
“id”: “gid://shopify/AppSubscription/26023166092”,
“name”: “Pro”,
“createdAt”: “2024-12-04T22:03:26.000Z”,
“status”: “ACTIVE”,
“currentPeriodEnd”: “2025-01-03T22:03:30.000Z”,
“trialDays”: 0,