Issues with Shopify Products API for Trial Plan Merchants

Hi, we are experiencing some issues with the Shopify Products API while trying to create products. It appears that if the merchant is on a Shopify trial plan, they are unable to create products using the API. However, once they upgrade to a paid Shopify plan, the product creation process works without any problems.

Hi Santech,

Are you using the productCreate mutation to create the products? What exactly are you seeing returned when the mutation fails? eg: is there any message returning in the userErrors?

Yes, I’m using productCreate mutation. There’s no error or anything.

Here’s my example query:

mutation productCreate(\x24input: ProductInput!, \x24media: [CreateMediaInput!]!) {
                productCreate(input: \x24input, media: \x24media) {
                  product {
                    options {

If the merchant is on trial or has not subscribed to any paid plans, attempting to create a product using the productCreate mutation will result in a null response for the product, with no error message provided.

And this is working as expected on development stores, correct?

Yes, that’s correct.

Just to confirm - you can successfully create a product with the /products.json endpoint on the REST API when a merchant is on trial?

I’m not entirely certain about the latest version, but previously, we were using REST API version 2024-04, which worked well even for merchants who were not subscribed to any paid plans. However, after the announcement that we needed to migrate to the GraphQL version, we began experiencing issues.

Hi, do you have any updates? Were you able to reproduce the issue?

Our team are still investigating this.