Link not working when app is deployed to Cloudflare Pages

I have a Link on my app page which when running my app locally works as it should:

import { Link } from "@remix-run/react";
<Link variant="primary" to={`/app/discount-function/${id}/create`}>Create Discount</Link>

However when I deploy the app to Cloudflare Pages, this link does not work. Just nothing happens when it’s clicked.

Anyone have any thoughts or ideas as to what is causing this?


Hey Luke - are other elements on the page working? EG, if you test with a component is that also not working?

Hey @Liam-Shopify Sorry for the delay here.

Yeah rest of page seems to be fine.

Just adding here that if I use Link component from Polaris instead then I get a broken auth situation and I am redirected to the app install page.