Metafields API of Product Image typo?

found a strange issue right here. With the API use to query metafields of the production image. If we use the API that implemented in version 2024-01.
it will not working even I try to change the version to the newest.

Btw, when use the API endpoint
it is working well.

Is there some typo bug here ?

I think it is likely either a typo in the Shopify API documentation or a discrepancy in how the API handles the resource parameter for metafields.
Shopify’s API typically uses singular terms for resource names (e.g. product, order, variant) when referencing specific entities.

But my colleague asked a question from the past in this link Solved: Pagination for product images metafields - Shopify Community

In that time, the API
[Preformatted text]([owner_id]=18809934476&metafield[owner_resource]=product_images&limit=1)

with the `product_images’ was working well. I don’t see any update about change this URL or mention about it in update release notes, so it’s quite weird.