found a strange issue right here. With the API use to query metafields of the production image. If we use the API that implemented in version 2024-01.
it will not working even I try to change the version to the newest.
Btw, when use the API endpoint
it is working well.
Is there some typo bug here ?
I think it is likely either a typo in the Shopify API documentation or a discrepancy in how the API handles the resource parameter for metafields.
Shopify’s API typically uses singular terms for resource names (e.g. product
, order
, variant
) when referencing specific entities.
But my colleague asked a question from the past in this link Solved: Pagination for product images metafields - Shopify Community
In that time, the API
[Preformatted text]([owner_id]=18809934476&metafield[owner_resource]=product_images&limit=1)
with the `product_images’ was working well. I don’t see any update about change this URL or mention about it in update release notes, so it’s quite weird.