Hey! I see some strange issues with the metaobject handle.
We have metaobject, and query it in the Liquid section with handle like this: widget_5gRZ6koK4iZL135
. As you can see, there are letters in uppercase and lowercase.
On one store, I found out that querying metaobject with this handle returned zero results. But if I change the handle to lowercase, everything works fine.
In the liquid, I access to the metaobject like this:
{{ assign widget_id = "widget_5gRZ6koK4iZL135" }}
{{ shop.metaobjects['app--12345--storista_products'][widget_id] }}
I tested it on my store with the production app; everything was ok.
Is there a possibility that metaobject handles will be in lowercase in some cases (stores)?