Missing availability for sale info in product webhooks

Hi there,

after having removed the field “inventory_management” in product webhooks since version 2024-10, we miss some field in product webhooks that provides info about availability for sale (similar to the the field “availableForSale” in GraphQL API, ProductVariant - GraphQL Admin).

With the “inventory_management” field, it was possible to obtain the variants availability for sale, no matter whether they were or not tracked. But now, it is impossible to deduce it.

I know that a quick response may be that we can request the product to the GraphQL API after receiving the webhook, but:

  • On the one hand, there would be no need to do so as the webhook includes (almost) all info about the product.
  • On the other hand, there are tones of product webhooks every minute, so it would suppose a useless huge load to the GraphQL API.

Please, could you consider to include a new field in the webhook for this purpose?

Kind regards.

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@sinuhe I think its deprecated on 2024-07 right? Product Variant Field Cleanup — Shopify developer changelog

We were using the same field as well.