Missing Chargeback Numbers

Hi folks,

I have built a graphQl bulk query to retrieve orders data (created or updated) for a 24hr period. The query includes transactions, totalRefundedSet and disputes objects and fields. This works correctly and for the most part the data returned matches that supplied by our client from there statements.

However there is a ‘chargeback’ transaction where ~£100 and the £10 fee is removed from the account, then a ‘chargeback won’ transaction on the same order where ~£2 and the fee are returned.

I am able to grab this order both in the bulk query and on its own in a separate query, I can get the dispute for this order. Nowhere can I find the return of the of the £2 and fee, and without it my numbers are incorrect and the whole development is useless.

Any help would be so gratefully received.

Hey Kenny,

If the “chargeback won” transaction is processed as a refund, you should be able to query the refunds field in the Order object to retrieve refund details:

   query GetOrderRefunds {
     order(id: "gid://shopify/Order/ORDER_ID") {
       refunds(first: 10) {
         edges {
           node {
             totalRefundedSet {
               presentmentMoney {

Will that help with reconciling?

Thanks for getting back to me Liam.

I had included refund data in the original bulk query and while it picks up refunds correctly it does not catch the transaction in question.

Starting to wonder if this is some sort of edge case, I spoke to the Client’s Finance people and they tell me it is unusual from their point of view. I will attach the history of the order below in the hope it sheds some light on where the data can be found.

Again, thank you for your assistance with this.

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