Missing Original Charge ID in AppSaleAdjustment Transactions


We’re loading all payments and refunds through the Partner API in our system. However, for transactions of the type AppSaleAdjustment, we’re unable to retrieve the original charge’s ID, making it difficult to connect adjustments back to their corresponding charges.

Here’s the GraphQL query we’re using:

    transactions (
        first: 40,
        createdAtMin: "2024-10-28T12:09:50+00:00",
        createdAtMax: "2024-10-30T12:09:50+00:00",
    ) {
        edges {
            node {
                ...on AppSaleAdjustment { grossAmount { amount } chargeId shop { id myshopifyDomain } }
                ...on AppOneTimeSale { grossAmount { amount } shop { id myshopifyDomain } }
                ...on AppSubscriptionSale { grossAmount { amount } shop { id myshopifyDomain } billingInterval }

Has anyone else encountered this issue or found a workaround for linking AppSaleAdjustment entries to their original transactions? Any guidance would be appreciated!

Hi Auglio_Team,

When you say you want to connect adjustments back to their corresponding charges, what exactly are you aiming to do? Is it to change the original charge or for collecting information to update your own records (or something else)?

Hi Liam,

Thanks for the reply! We’re looking to link adjustments to original charges for accurate reporting in our own system.

Is there any update regarding this issue?