I have created a Shopify extension print-action using their default templates of javascript + react.
The problem is that the actual print action does not work on Chrome latest version for windows and mac users.
When trying to print the file (in this case it’s a PDF file from Shopify Files section) the popup just closes and nothing happens. See screenshot( https://prnt.sc/9S5mjszpFeBb )
When using for example Safari on mac device, it works as intended:
I have passed this issue to Shopify support as well, but maybe someone has encountered a similar issue and could provide some more info about this?
Or maybe an actual Shopify developer could provide me an answer here?
Not sure I as a developer could do something here else, because in the docs it just says to provide a URL of the file which can be printed and previewed in the extension. Also, in the base scaffolding of the extension, the extension itself provides a URL for a testing file as an example.