Newest feature print-action does not work on all browsers

I have created a Shopify extension print-action using their default templates of javascript + react.

The problem is that the actual print action does not work on Chrome latest version for windows and mac users.

When trying to print the file (in this case it’s a PDF file from Shopify Files section) the popup just closes and nothing happens. See screenshot( )

When using for example Safari on mac device, it works as intended:

I have passed this issue to Shopify support as well, but maybe someone has encountered a similar issue and could provide some more info about this?

Or maybe an actual Shopify developer could provide me an answer here?

Not sure I as a developer could do something here else, because in the docs it just says to provide a URL of the file which can be printed and previewed in the extension. Also, in the base scaffolding of the extension, the extension itself provides a URL for a testing file as an example.


Hi Viktoras – This was an issue specific to certain types of file hosted in Files. We just shipped a fix so this should now be resolved. Please let us know if you notice any further issues, thanks!

Thanks for the quick response and fix.

It seems to be working now on chrome as well!