Not able to read variant.quantity_price_breaks_configured?


  • Plus Store
  • B2B Customer, Company and Catalogs are set
  • Quantity rules are set for one test product in the catalog
  • I am logged in as B2B customer with the same company for which I have setup the catalog.

What I am trying
I want to know if variant.quantity_price_breaks_configured? is true or false

Expected result
when I read variant.quantity_price_breaks_configured? in the liquid code, it should return true for the variants where I have set the quantity rules

Actual result
it is returning empty string for all the variants

I can read the correct values for quantity_rule.min and quantity_rule.increment for the variants

Not able to figure out what to do here.

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While Shopify Plus B2B and custom catalog setups might let you configure price breaks in the admin, not all these properties translate directly into Liquid-accessible variables.

Log the entire variant object as JSON in your template:

{{ variant | json }}

Check the output in your browser console or the page’s rendered source. Look specifically for quantity_price_breaks_configured or any similarly named fields.

If the quantity_price_breaks_configured attribute is not visible, it means Liquid doesn’t have direct access to it as a simple boolean property.

If that’s the case, you’ll need to infer whether quantity price breaks are configured by checking related data (like quantity_rule.min or quantity_rule.increment). If min or increment differ from their defaults (e.g., min > 1 or increment > 1), that strongly indicates that quantity price breaks are in play.

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Hey @daniel thank, I am actually using exactly that to check the qty breaking rules, But you, I am curious about quantity_price_breaks_configured being empty string, if its in the doc then it should be there, no!!!
For now, things are working as expected though.

Can you check if quantity_price_breaks_configured? is accessible in your product object?

Yes, its available at product level :white_check_mark:

and value is “true” for your test product?

Yes, its “true”.

I believe this is an error in the documentation because, although the property is described in the documentation for the variant object, it does not appear in the list of properties on the side panel.

In fact, in the documentation about displaying volume prices in the theme, the property quantity_price_breaks_configured? is used for the product, but it uses quantity_price_breaks.size > 0 for checking the variant.

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