I’d like to know if there is any intention/estimate to implement the capability to paginating filtered arrays. There have been a few times in which a client of mine needed to paginate the products of a collection, but wanted to hide some types of products for whatever reason, but I noticed that this doesn’t work. And then, if I try doing something like ‘if this product has that, don’t show it’ in the for loop, the count just gaps, it doesn’t adapt. Is there a desire to approach that? Or at least a manner to treat it that already exists but isn’t so easy to find?
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Following this thread as I’d LOVE this. I also have a use case where clients want native search results, but want a ‘tabbed’ experience, so all results are broken out into products, articles, and pages. It’d be great and much faster (since we could do it without js at that point) to be able to paginate something like search.results | where: ‘object_type’, ‘product’ or something.
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