Payment Methods using Graphql


Can a GraphQL query be used to get a list of a store’s payment methods used at checkout?
I see many payment customization apps list down payment methods, do they get that through Graphql?


I dont think Shopify GraphQl support that directly.

Yeah, I tried digging into docs but looks like it does not but want to check if my eyes missed something.

an alternative way I found that is partially helpful

translatableResources(first: 10, resourceType: PAYMENT_GATEWAY) {
nodes {
translatableContent {

Another option could be to use the tenderTransactions query as this has a connected field for paymentMethod. So you could get a selection of orders and read the payment gateway used to infer what gateways are active. However it may not be 100% accurate if a specific method is not used in the selection you pick.

Hi Liam,

Is there any other way that’s foolproof? or a premade list is the only option?