We regualary have customers complaining over missing order data fra the admin orders api.
We have an integration that every 5 min fetches new orders with fullfillment status = “Unfullfilled” from the admin api, with a time filter looking 5 minutes back.
When we are checking our logs, there are periods where admin api returns an empty order array, even though new orders are coming in in the same period.
If we then check again, and set the time filter back to the same period, the orders then appears again.
Are there some delay before the orders becomes visible in the api.
An example is a few days ago, Nov 5th 2024, around 12:05 PM-13:15 PM, where none of our customers in Norway and Denmark got any orders in the integration. So it seems that it is a general issue across shops and countries.
What can be the cause for these periods and how can we avoid it happening again?
(ie /orders.json?updated_at_min=2024-11-05T13%3a30%3a13Z)