POS UI Extension TextField with onFocus causing full app crash on 2024-07 in latest POS app

After updating my POS app my UI extensions started crashing whenever I clicked on a text field with an onFocus prop. All are on version 2024-07. I haven’t checked whether order versions are affected too.

This is not just my device, but also the devices of numerous merchants. The old POS app still works, this started happening after updating.

<TextField label={'Without onFocus (no crash)'} />
<TextField label={'With onFocus (crashes)'} onFocus={() => {}} />

A video of a crash can be found in the partners slack: Slack. I cannot upload videos on this forium

I have also noticed that a number of tiles no longer work in development on the latest app. They still work after deploying, but I can no longer preview my changes before doing so. Not sure whether this is related to the above

Hi Tim,

We are currently investigating the issue. We hope to give you an update shortly.

Thank you for your patience.

Hi Tim,

You can download POS 9.26.2 to find the fix.

Thank you for your patience.

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Great to hear Victor, thank you for fixing this quickly