productVariants's sku search prefix bug

Hi all,

seems that the productVariants query with wildcards on SKU it’s bugged.

To reproduce the bug, just create one product with 2 or 3 variants and assign the following skus:


Now, if I want to search a single product variants with one sku:


query ($query: String!) {
    data: productVariants(query: $query, first: 10) {
        nodes {


    "query" : "sku:TST-DEL-S"


    "data": {
        "data": {
            "nodes": [
                    "id": "gid://shopify/ProductVariant/50235666792748",
                    "sku": "TST-DEL-S"
    "extensions": {
       // cost omitted
        "search": [
                "path": [
                "query": "sku:TST-DEL-S",
                "parsed": {
                    "field": "sku",
                    "match_all": "TST-DEL-S"

I’ve use the search debug header to show how Shopify interpreted my query.

So far so good, but if I try to use wild card (same query, but different variable) to retrive all the SKU that start with “TEST-DEL”…


    "query" : "sku:TST-DEL*"


    "data": {
        "data": {
            "nodes": []
    "extensions": {
        // cost omitted
        "search": [
                "path": [
                "query": "sku:TST-DEL*",
                "parsed": {
                    "field": "sku",
                    "match_prefix": "TST-DEL"

As you can see I’ve got no data, even if the search debug has correctly interpreted my query: notice the “match_prefix” instead of “match_all”.

The only way I found to obtain all the variants is to omit the field using the following variable:

    "query" : "TST-DEL*"


    "data": {
        "data": {
            "nodes": [
                    "id": "gid://shopify/ProductVariant/50235666792748",
                    "sku": "TST-DEL-S"
                    "id": "gid://shopify/ProductVariant/50235666825516",
                    "sku": "TST-DEL-M"
                    "id": "gid://shopify/ProductVariant/50235666858284",
                    "sku": "TST-DEL-L"
    "extensions": {
        // cost omitted
        "search": [
                "path": [
                "query": "TST-DEL*",
                "parsed": {
                    "field": "default",
                    "match_prefix": "TST-DEL"

But without the field, I’ve no control on which field shopify will search my string.

Any toughts?

Hi nanny07,

Thanks for flagging this - our team are aware of this issue where the use of * is not matching variants where the SKU has the specified pattern. Have raised this with the team working on this and will update here when I learn more.

Thanks Liam for the quick response, I hope to see the fix in the near future!