Request Billing Right Away in managed Pricing . What code should I use?

Hello! We are using Managed App Pricing for our public app and we have only 3plans. Is it possible to navigate to approve charge page upon app installation? Just a note - our app was built in Remix template.

I am using this code

  await billing.require({
    plans:[], // I dont know how to get the plans here ??
    isTest: true,
    onFailure: async () => billing.request({ plan: Same here ??  }),

Hey, according to the docs you don’t use billing for managed pricing shopify-app-js/packages/apps/shopify-api/docs/guides/ at main · Shopify/shopify-app-js · GitHub

Theres also an example here How to implement Managed Pricing? · Issue #856 · Shopify/shopify-app-template-remix · GitHub

Thank you for your reply .

But The link does not give any clear ideas of how managed billing would request billing right away . So I would not be using billing api . but still once a person installs the app , It should request billing right away thats what I am looking for , Any help would be appreciated .