REST API ends in timeout

Hello everyone,

I know that the REST API is deprecated, but we need it to stay work until we are migrating to GQL

When creating products using REST or updating them, there are constant timeouts. For example, the request is sent below and nothing comes back until it times out. The same happens sometimes with images, sometimes with stock updates etc.

Does anyone have an idea why this could be happening? The rate limit is maintained at 2 per second. If it were due to the rate limits, at least an error message would come back, but nothing comes back.

Perhaps one of you has an idea where I could check. The support says the images are too big, but that can’t be with 180kb it’s not big and the hangs also occur in other places and not only when creating images


Hi Nico,

Are you seeing any headerIds / error codes returned when a call fails? Is this only happening on one store or many?

Hi Liam,

thanks for your response. We did not get any response from the server, we send the request and have a timeout of 60000 ms, but doesnt get an answer within this time.

The previous response before it hangs, says we have a ratelimit 1/40 in the header. So there is no 429 too many requests or so which i would understand. The API answers nothing.

I also checked it from my local network and from other servers to check if there is a network issue, but the problem is on all systems. Very randomly, sometimes after i have created 3 products, then it stops working at a quantity update. Very strange.

Looks like it works suddenly. Maybe a network issue? I will have an eye on it.