Run the same validation on online store and POS?

Hi, I’m new to working with shopify and I’ve started writing a validation function for an app. Will it be possible to use this on POS to keep validation logic in sync in both places products might be sold?

It doesn’t explicitly say so, like it does for Discount functions. So my guess would be that it doesn’t yet.

@Liam-Shopify would this be something you’d be able to confirm?

Please would it be possible to get that info added as a column to this table, about which checkouts it runs on? (Online Store, POS, Accelerated Checkouts etc) I think it’d be really helpful if possible please :pray:

I believe checkout validation functions won’t work (currently) on POS - but checking with that team now!

Confirmed that checkout validation functions are not currently supported on POS. Have also passed on the feedback to make this clearer in the docs.

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:heart: Thank you @Liam-Shopify !