Shopify Analytics API

We are trying to replicate Shopify sales report, however some information are missing in the Shopify API that is used in the default Shopify Sales Report. For instance, there is now way from the API to know when a custom shipping was set.

Is there an additional API or fields we can access to get such information?
Ideally we would like to generate the report from our backend.

Thank you

Hey - so just to confirm, you’d want to see what exactly custom shipping was set on an order? If this is happening after the order is created, could you get this info from the order/update webhook?

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I’d like to see the date when the custom shipping was set.

Currently when looking at an order (from webhook data, REST API, or GraphQl API), there is no way to tell when the custom shipping was added.

However when exporting the Shopify reports, we can see that the custom shipping is added at a specific date that cannot be found elsewhere.

How can we get this information?