Shopify managed pricing subscriptions changes

Hello there,
I’m using Shopify managed pricing for my app and using recurring charges.
My app gives a usage limit every month and I want to know what happens if a store subscribes to my app then use all the credits, and then cancel the subscription. Will they be charged for that month?

Hi Lghou,

I’ve confirmed with the product team that merchants will be charged for that month. Merchants are billed in arrears. They will be responsible for their last bill even if they cancel before the next upcoming billing cycle.

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Thank you @Liam-Shopify :pray:t2:
Since I’m new to app development and I see stores canceling subscriptions but nothing added to my earning, I got confused.

I think we need a better documentation on how shopify handles all those cases. This can be added to our FAQs as well.

I can confirm from our experience that shops should still be charged even if the app is uninstalled. As long as the charge is issued prior to the app being uninstalled, the shop is responsible to pay it.

However, the earnings wont be reported to you until the app charges are actually paid by the merchant. It’s important to note how Shopify handles app subscription payments, which is by including them on the shop’s next billing invoice.

In practice, this means that your earnings will generally show in the Partners Dashboard within 1 - 30 days, depending on how the app charge coincides with the shop’s normal Shopify billing cycle.

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