Still Receiving Deprecated API Call Error After Migrating /products and /variants Endpoints to GraphQL

Hi there,

A few months ago, I received an alert in the API Health Report indicating that the REST Admin API /products and /variants endpoints have been deprecated.

As of 2024-04, the REST Admin API /products and /variants endpoints have been marked as deprecated across all versions. Public apps must migrate to the GraphQL product APIs by 2025-02-01 and custom apps should migrate to support more than 100 variants. View change

On Jan 14, 2025 we migrated all REST API calls for /products and /variants to GraphQL. Despite this change, I’m still receiving the Deprecated API alert in the API Health report.

Here’s a screenshot of the alert:

The alert shows up under the Last 30 days and Last 7 days sections, but, I am not seeing the alert under the Last day section:

  1. API Version: I’m currently using 2023-10 API version. Do I need to update the API version to 2024-04 or later in order to stop seeing these deprecated alerts? Could this be the reason I’m still receiving the notification?
  2. How to identify the exact API call that could be triggering this alert despite the migration to GraphQL?

I would appreciate any insights or suggestions from others who have gone through this migration process or have encountered a similar issue.

Thanks in advance for your help!

DMing you about this now.

Hey @Liam-Shopify, we are facing the same issue aswell. Could you help by connecting me with someone from the team that overlooks the API and partner dashboard.

Hello @Liam-Shopify ,
After migrating the products and variants REST APIs to GraphQL, the deprecation logs disappeared from the partner API health screen. But now, the logs are back. Could you provide more detailed logs to help us out?


We are encountering the same issue with two of our apps. Notably, the last detected date consistently shows as 12:00 AM on the previous day, which is highly unlikely to have been generated by an actual API call.

Same issue we have also encounter @Liam-Shopify please help us on this the last detected date consistently shows as 12:00 AM on the previous day

Hi @Liam-Shopify
I am facing the same issue of deprecate call even though I have already migrated my code to GraphQL.
Please help me to encounter this as deadline is approaching.

We have this same issue :sweat_smile::face_with_peeking_eye: @Liam-Shopify pleasssse help :pray:t2:

We received a response from Shopify support regarding the API Health notification that seemed to appear unexpectedly. They explained that it was due to a recently resolved issue. In our case, we had already made the necessary changes and the deprecated call message disappeared weeks ago. However, it reappeared again this week.

Harper Rinne (Support Advisor): I wanted to share that we identified an issue with tracking deprecated calls, but we’ve recently resolved it and re-enabled the warnings to keep developers updated on necessary changes

Shopify support thoroughly reviewed the logs and provided the IDs of the stores making the deprecated calls, along with the corresponding timestamps and URLs of the specific endpoints. It took a couple of days to get what we needed and each support representative we spoke to offered different information, and some were more helpful than others. Therefore, if you are not getting the assistance you need, don’t hesitate to reach out again.

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Are you guys sending a request to https://store_url/products/product_handle.json?

Were you guys sending a request to https://store_url/products/product_handle.json?

The URL may not be exact, but interestingly, we were also retrieving the product handles.


Dear @Liam-Shopify
I hope you can help us as well.
We still have calls to deprecated /variants endpoint, even though we have migrated to GraphQL.
Could you kindly help us sort this out?

We would really appreciate it.

Hey @Liam-Shopify ,
We faced the same issue with deprecated warnings, and it’s says that “13 hours left”. We migrate all our services for products and variants to GraphQL. Could you please assist? Thank you.

Hey @Alex_Zh and @Denis_Nazarenko

Have DMed you both to get app info that I can check on my side.

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hey @Liam-Shopify We are also facing the same issue, Our Entire codebase has been migrate to new api version(2024-10) and all queries are on graphQL. Still it shows that we are making rest api call. Also we have checked we dont have any cron job or any call near 12 in night. It would be great help if you can assist us with this.
Also @Liam-Shopify if you can provide us all the logs of our service if you might be having internal logs of all incoming calls. It would be great help to figure out the issue

Hey @Liam-Shopify,
We faced the same issue with deprecated warnings. We migrate all our Apps for products and variants to GraphQL. Could you please assist by sharing the app info? Thank you.

Seeing the same here. We have migrated all product and variant calls to GraphQL. We are running all remaining REST and GraphQL calls on version 2025-01.

We are still getting notifications for “Update to version 2024-07 or later” in our api health report.

All current queries are referencing the correct notes and fields.

Should this be of concern? Is there a fix?

For requests to check deprecated API calls, please post in this topic: Requests for checking deprecated REST API calls - #3 by Liam-Shopify