Storefront Access Token Creation Issue #2073

Issue summary

The storefrontAccessTokenCreate mutation is consistently returning ACCESS_DENIED, whereas it previously worked without issues. This behavior change occurred without any documented updates from Shopify.

Note: The issue persists even when testing with a new sales channel app.

Current App Scopes


Expected Behavior

  • The mutation should successfully create and return a new storefront access token
  • If there are permission issues, the error response should provide actionable details about:
    • Why the access was denied
    • What permissions are missing
    • How to resolve the issue

Actual behavior

The mutation consistently returns ACCESS_DENIED without additional context.

Steps to reproduce the problem

  1. Install Shopify GraphQL app with all available scopes
  2. Execute the following mutation:
mutation StorefrontAccessTokenCreate($input: StorefrontAccessTokenInput!) {
  storefrontAccessTokenCreate(input: $input) {
    userErrors {
    storefrontAccessToken {
  1. Observe the ACCESS_DENIED error response

Sorry not here to answer you question but was hoping if you could shine some light for me. So I have custom hydrogen application I want to implement my own custom auth like signing up the user through my own onboarding flow etc ofc I know graph QL admin has a bunch of mutations but I’m kind lf lost as to what orders things need to be done and the session. I saw there is a mutation called createCustomer and also createCustomerAccessToken I’m lost as in the order / flow of things essentially I have wall the inputs for the mutations but just unsure of the sequence of mutations I need to perform I would truly appreciate if you could take few minutes to answer me and I’ll keep looking into if i find something i will share too

I have the same problem, is there any solution?