Hey Guys!
I hope you are doing well
So i played around with the new theme blocks and its amazing! I really like the concept.
I came across one problem though. There is the “Dynamic sources” tab in the block documentation (Dynamic sources)
There the documentation mentions how you can use dynamic data to define ahead of time where data will come from.
For example you wanna display a product.title. Is the data from a product on template level or from a product defined in a section/block setting? You can define this by using “closest.”, in my case “closest.product”.
But as im using {{ closest.product }} it tells me, that the “closest” object is undefined?
In the parent section i did this:
{% content_for 'blocks', closest.product: product %}
And in the block i did this:
{{ closest.product.title }}
Why is this not working? Am i missing a crucial part of understanding this concept? Or is it not fully worked out yet?
Thanks for your replies!