TimeZone for startsAt & endsAt in GraphQL mutation

Hi, I need to schedule the startsAt and endsAt in the Graphql mutation, something like this:

mutation {
  discountAutomaticAppCreate(automaticAppDiscount: {
    title: "Quantity Discount Special Promotion",
    functionId: "some-id-number",
    startsAt: "2024-11-05T00:00:00",
    endsAt: "2024-11-07T20:59:59",
    combinesWith: {
      orderDiscounts: true,
      productDiscounts: true,
      shippingDiscounts: true
  }) {
     automaticAppDiscount {
     userErrors {

Will the above function be active at midnight 11-05 UTC or my shop’s timezone (which is Pacific) ?

Docs are not clear.

I asked the .dev Assistant and this is what it provided: